For a long while, outdoor gear and hiking apparel for women was pretty boring. The colors were boring, the patterns were boring, the styles were boring. No one, seriously no one, needs another light blue North Face fleece, or two-toned magenta “all-season” jacket from Columbia.
Thankfully, the market has come around and exploded in terms of choice over the last couple of years. It’s a lot more colorful and exciting for female explorers, to say at the very least.
Now that we have fewer options in terms of places to go over the next few months, you can bet the one place we will all be headed is outdoors. So to prepare you for a stylish summer of adventure, we’ve put together a little series highlighting the best activewear and hiking fashion (is that a thing?) grouped by colors inspired by nature.
Blush, mauve, rose — call it what you want, but this muted-pink rusty-orange hue is going to be the color of the summer, and the first to kick-off our series!
P.S. Save some coin and take advantage of the REI Anniversary Sale happening now until May 25!
Please take into consideration: This is not an in-depth guide on what to pack for serious trekking or overnight hikes. The articles in this series provide a round-up of athletic and outdoor wear options grouped by color, just because I like that sort of thing. It’s very aesthetically pleasing to the eye, isn’t it? So have fun with the trends and hopefully a lot of this stuff works for you as it does for me! And heads up! This post contains affiliate links.
My fave casual shorts:
Patagonia 5″ baggies
When it comes to shorts, my criteria for a good pick is all based on comfort. Do they ride up anywhere? If so, it’s a no-go. I like them short (my legs sweat 🤷♀️) but not so much so that they are showing off all my assets… I also like them featherlight and dry-fit. Bonus if they have zippered pockets. These baggies from Patagonia are my favorite for casual outdoor wear.
My current fave jumpsuit:
Patagonia Fleetwith romper
I’m not a jumpsuit, one-piece, romper-kind-of-girl. They are usually all so uncomfortable and ill-fitting on my small-chested, wide-shouldered, tall frame. So when I ordered this Fleetwith Romper from Patagonia on a whim (the rave reviews did me in), I was expecting to be underwhelmed. Surprise! It fits like a glove and I’m in love! It’s the perfect travel outfit, featuring deep zippered pockets and a flattering shape that makes this a great look for day or night. I’ve seen them sell out before, get one NOW.
My current fave hiking capri:
Prana kanab pants
These pants are made for climbing, so sturdy and built to last are qualities you can expect from these incredible capris. They are made with an organically grown cotton canvas blend that allows for full flexibility that won’t tear after heavy use. The elastic waistband is very comfortable for long hikes and scrambling around on rocks (which I do a lot of chasing after my toddler).
My go-to pullover:
Patagonia Organic cotton Quilt-snap T pullover
Ok, by now you can see how obsessed I am with the brand Patagonia (I’m obsessed with the location, too!), but it’s really one of the best-fitting clothing companies that produces quality activewear while promoting sustainability practices and values. This pullover is made of a soft organic cotton/recycled polyester blend for everyday layering and warmth and I take it everywhere. When the evenings cool down or the wind picks up on a peak, this is a must-have.
Sports bras I’m digging:
Nike Swoosh Colorblock Sports Bra
Happy boobs, happy hike – amiright? I personally like my sports bras on the tighter side, which is why most of them are Nike. No matter how many times I throw them in washer, they rarely stretch out which means I am buying less (a big win in my book!) For casual wear, I use these other options which are a little more giving and breathable. All great options, all great colors.
My current go-to day dress:
Patagonia Porch Song Dress
If I want to look more put together while traveling, I don’t have to put much effort into an outfit when I have this dress on hand. It’s simple and straightforward, yet flattering and easy to throw on after a day of adventuring. It doesn’t wrinkle too bad either, which makes it great for stuffing into my backpack or suitcase for use on longer trips.
A perfect fit for your feet:
Keen Targhee Vent
I don’t usually tread far from my favorite footwear once I find a boot or shoe that works for me, but when I tried this on, it was a perfect fit. This water-resistant hiking shoe features footbeds that are infused with probiotic technology that naturally breaks down odor in sweat without heavy metals or hazardous chemicals. Say what?! Less stink? Sign me up.
What’s this summer style series about, you ask?
Well, I love the outdoors and I’m design nerd with a closet organized by hues, so I combined my favorite things in this series to share the best pieces of hiking and outdoor gear for women – selected by colors inspired by nature. Muted blues, forest greens, golden yellows…whatever your color, I’ve got a selection of top-performing outfits for you to head outside and take to the trails this summer!
gear to get out and play
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