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Travel Talk with the A Broad, Abroad Podcast

Travel Talk with the A Broad, Abroad Podcast

Oh hey! I’m on iTunes! In my interview with Mariza from the podcast A Broad, Abroad you’ll hear me dish on how social media stalking turned my dream job into reality, feeling like a foreigner in my own country, life in a tropical paradise and some of the woes of expat living and long-term travel…

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Weekly Wishes – Número Seis

Weekly Wishes – Número Seis

Are we already rolling into October?! My how the month flew by! It's getting hot, hot, hot here in Santa Cruz and I'm missing the fall weather back in the States. I can't even look at my sister's Instagram account anymore full of over-sized...

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Weekly Wishes #5

Weekly Wishes #5

Is it Monday already?! Last Thursday JC and I skipped town for a long weekend of exploring and traveling throughout Bolivia's eastern lowlands and it turned out to be a spectacular little trip! We spent full days hiking up the Tucavaca Valley to...

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Weekly Wishes – Número Tres

Weekly Wishes – Número Tres

Oh how the weekends come and go faster than all of Facebook's viral video fads. It was a fun one, to say the least, but way to quick! Between Zumba marathon classes and family get-together after family get-together, there wasn't much time to get to...

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Weekly Wishes – Número Dos

Weekly Wishes – Número Dos

This weekend was a good one — calm, productive, full of sunshine. We finally got around to some home improvement projects we've been wanting to simply start (but finished, too!) and yesterday enjoyed a taste-testing brunch of the city's best...

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